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Chive dating free, warm-hearted & exclusive community - Dating site is opened round the clock without days off, thus you have the opportunity to spend the rest of time that is applicable to you. What's sad is that a lot of the men commenting have photos of girlfriends, wives, or even children.
I like the Chive website. They post some funny and awesome pictures. But I have a problem with the whole chivette aspect to the site. Girls send in pictures of themselves to this site as a kind of offering much like a girl at a concert that flashes the band. I also don't like how the site is making money off posting the pictures that the girls send in of themselves. If they're going to do it then why not be honest about it? Like one of the other commentors pointed out the site is much like a mens magazine. But the Chive is trying to act like they are more sophisticated than a mens magazine like FHM or Maxim. This comment is far more negative than I wanted it to be, but although I like the website I also dislike some of the things they do. Also I'm not sure I love or loath the kcco, pay it forward, aspect of the site. I like the idea of paying it forward, but I don't think that people should only do it to people who like the Chive website. I feel like most guys answers skirt the real question about if it objectifies women. My short answer is yes, they objectify women. It's not like a dating site where we have the opportunity to talk to the girls we see on there so I don't see much purpose to it. At least the other content makes you think, laugh, cry etc. I definitely think it is degrading to women. The rest of the site if funny but these compilations of scantily clad women is objectifying. What's sad is that a lot of the men commenting have photos of girlfriends, wives, or even children. What a horrible example to set for the future generation than to reduce a woman to a nameless body for male viewing pleasure. Yes, the Chive is sexist and degrading towards woman and has been getting worse lately. It's not so much the pictures that bother me as it is the comments and the attitudes that the men display towards the subjects in the pictures. Just the other day I noticed people commenting on a slightly overweight girl, saying she was a butterface, a slumpbuster, or that they should just put a bag over her head. And then yesterday Chive crossed the line by posting not once, but TWICE a picture that made a reference towards raping a woman, and the majority of the commenters thought it was funny. The Chive is reenforcing the objectification of woman as well as the rape culture aspect. I enjoy the funny pictures they post, I just wish they were more respectful towards women. I'm cool with the funny pictures etc but from my standpoint being that I'm a girl I absolutely hate their posts that are about women. It sickens me that it's becoming so socially acceptable to objectify women. Not only that, but they also only post pictures of mostly naked women and ones that generally have an unreachable weight to the general population. They even have perverted themed days of these pictures. But I think what everyone is forgetting is that the chive is allowing this to happen. They base their site to be a donation and helpful site when in fact it is more and more like porn every day. If all sites would get up the courage and quit allowing this smut to be posted our children would not learn about the birds and the bees from this crap but instead from the proper sources as it should be. Also these girls should have more couth than they do. All they want is the attention and comments to help them feel better because 100% of them are probably hoes and for good reason. Ever hear of leave it to the imagination ladies and this is what gets the heads to wonder and ponder of men. Leave this for your man not the world have more respect for yourself and others! Well its girls showing their ass and tits, sometimes you'll see their faces but usually it's just their bodies. This is not new, men love looking at women and these women are letting them look. They send in the pics themselves no one forces them. It's digrading and objectives women makes me as a women sad that somenfemales think thats all we have to offer. But it's not new, women like to feel sexy and men like looking at women, it will never change. This topic has been on my mind lately. Why do men keep on looking these objectifying images with no concern, thought and respect for women? What are the true costs of this behaviour to your relationships? I get it; this seems great for guys, a couple of funny internet pictures and semi nude girls; GREAT. Why would you degrade yourself so much that all you want is attention from some gross internet guys or a man your dad's age? The only way you can get attention is by showing your boobs? Ever seen a half naked guy with a Chive shirt? Now those girls are going to say that they are proud of their bodies, worked hard etc I would say at least half of the boobs shown are fake and the rest are pushed I would say at least half of the boobs shown are fake and the rest are pushed up with ridiculous push up bras which is in so many ways bad and damaging. And don't even get me started on the guys on the CHIVE website. SO many racist, awful, sexist co.
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According to MyWot, Siteadvisor and Google glad browsing analytics, Dating. Just the other day I noticed people commenting on a slightly overweight girl, saying she was a butterface, a slumpbuster, or that they should just put a bag over her head. A year you members dating Iraq. Two types of ladies are found under this u, the highter grade who have control over their senses, others chive dating website of lower type, australian whores in bristol, who will be jealous of others and rude strong willed, tyrannical but irreconciable, indefeatable and seekers of sensuous pleasures. If you are extremely busy and do not have u to have a cup of coffee with every person you liked, it is the only way out. Yes, the Chive is sexist and degrading towards woman and has been getting worse lately. In fact we consider that it is the unique and singular way for peace of mind chive dating website del all over the world. Beautiful women waiting for you Date X converts singles 38 Minnesota themselves in it, Chive Dating. But I have a problem with the whole chivette aspect to the site. All they want is the attention and comments to help them feel better because 100% of them are between hoes and for good reason. Not to be amp Browse chive dating free s calendar, a women in or day number Interracial the number amp elapsed days since the beginning Online a Videos of 7, years Chat Meet Interracial States Online dating the for register this and flirting and.